Our skin receives a lot of attention on how it looks. People are very preoccupied about how it looks. If it looks beautiful, healthy, and most importantly, young. The beauty and pharmacology industries make millions of dollars on this. But this perspective about our skin is an underestimation of its importance and power.

In an average of square inch of skin we have 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, 60 thousand melanocytes, and an amazing amount of about 1000 ending nerves. The skin is the largest body’s organ. It is our true clothes, it is our everyday wear.

The skin hold all our bodies, it is our most important door. It controls what goes out and what goes in.

It is through the skin that we are in contact with the world, how we perceive everything around us.

Beside the physical importance of skin, it is doing a vital amazing job of recovering protecting the full body. It also has a close and fundamental importance in our emotional body. The physical and emotional body walk together side by side, one needs the other.

It is the skin that send messages to the rest of the body in how “we feel” or how the world around us feels. The brain responds to it before we ever have the time to realize it is happening, the heart respond also instantly.

Who has never felt their heart beat faster from a simple hand touch of a lover? Or an overwhelming soul-filling emotion of holding a baby? Or sweating in anticipation of an important event that matter for us?

In the animal world, they use grooming as a social calming effect, or show respect, etc. 

In our human world the touch of the skin have a powerful relaxing effect, and it is also healing because it stimulates the full body to work in its better capacity.

Particularly in massage, the muscles seem to be the biggest focus of the clients, and yes we work the muscles helping it to release and release the stress. But it is in the skin that the magic happens, it is true that the power of the touch.

Yes, beautiful skin are to be appreciated. Like every beauty in the work, but it is not the most important thing. A 92 year-old woman that has a beautiful skin, imagine all the stories that that skin carry? It is pure beauty beyond words, this person had once a baby skin, delicate and in need of protection, it was like a big new book in blank ready to be filled with a whole life. The skin of a senior is as fragile as the baby, and need a lot of protection too, but it is strong and powerful as a giant sequoia tree.

If we embrace our skin we are truly appreciating ourselves our boundaries and honoring our soul.