Get ready to open your heart and start on the path to feeling free of the emotional pain you have carried within yourself for far too long! It’s time to begin believing that it really is possible to feel joy, live in harmony, and embrace your own happiness!

The OVERCOME STRESS/TRAUMA series is specifically guided to help support and move you through the daily feelings of being overwhelmed, that life is passing you by, of being blocked and uneasy within yourself and to work through your body’s physical manifestations of the effects these stressors and emotional trauma have been stored within its memory as pain.

How it works | 6 months program

  • Initial interview and physical evaluation
  • Individual bodywork assignment (WATSU, Reflexology, Massage, etc.), frequency, modality and duration
  • A daily “10 minute Meditation Mindset” recording for re-affirmation of the body, mind and spirit’s continued growth
  • Energy Balancing
  • Mind trauma reframing

Client Review:

Trent J. – May ’17

“I went to Guacira to do WATSU for trauma therapy. It was extremely helpful and relaxing. I’ve learned that the world of therapy can be difficult to navigate. This was one of the more directly effective therapies that I’ve tried and Guacira is amazing. I’m so thankful.”

Contact Guacira to discuss starting your OVERCOME STRESS/TRAUMA Wellness Program.