What can we learn from the king of the animal kingdom?

I could choose any animal for this blog, but let’s go straight to the powerful lion and its magic roar.

Lions are majestic creatures, their bodies strong and beautiful, their behavior admirable. 

They, and every other animal for that matter, live fully in the present moment. The lion wakes up in the morning knowing he is “the king” and is ready to start his day. His main job is to protect his pride and ensure all members are safe, mark his territory, and lead on.

When he wakes up ready for the day, he doesn’t worry about be kinghe just is! He doesn’t worry about how many zebras will be needed or available for food that day. Will there be enough water? Will there be another younger male challenging his top position? Will he have to fight? Are there enough cubs in the pride, or does the pride need to expand? How hot will be the day? Should he lead his pride North or South today? Does he need more exercise? Is he too fat or too old?

There are many valid questions a lion could worry about, but he just doesn’t. Thanks to his animal instinct, he knows better! Worry would just paralyze him with fear and consume all the very necessary energy he very much needs to keep his powerful body health and in harmony.

Animals accept things the way there are. However, they are not passivethey fight for their position, for their pride, their food. They will accept the full rush of adrenaline to hunt or to escape from a predator, but once it passed it is gone, there is no need to worry anymore until next time.

Now let’s look to we humans…how much energy we waste everyday worrying? Yes, we live in a complicate and complex world, but is worry really necessary? Maybe a little bit. But not in the amount we usually do.

Our animal instinct is still there and will always be, but we have forgotten it during our domestication process. We become “victims of ourselves” and forget to trust out power, forget our ability to roar!

Adrenaline and stress can be stimulants, and a good challenge will move us forward, but keeping this adrenaline running and running in our blood will make us weaker and weaker.

Our body has everything it needs to be healthy and in perfect harmony, we just need to trust it, work as a team with it, love ourselves and see how great and powerful we are.

We should to be grateful for our everyday, appreciate it deeply and go for our present moment.

Roar is good, it is exciting and most important it is allowed, and it is our very right.